Tag: Letter to my MP

  • Threatened Deportation of Watford footballer Al Bangura

    David Howarth, I would like to draw your attention to the situation of Watford footballer Al Bangura who is facing deportation to Sierra Leone and add my voice to those calling for the Home Office to reverse its decision to deport him. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/w/watford/7111120.stm Al Bangura has built up his life in the UK establishing great […]

  • Opposing More UK Police being Armed with TASERs

    Dear David Howarth (Cambridge MP), I am writing to you following the arming of non-firearms police with TASER electroshock weapons in the UK as part of a year long trial which started on 1st September 2007. (1) I support police firearms units having access to TASER weapons which they can elect to use as an […]

  • UK failing Asian girls vulnerable to “honour crime”

    David Howarth (Cambridge MP), I was listening to “File on Four” on Radio Four on Sunday afternoon. It was about “Honour Crime” against British Asian/Muslim women and girls in Britain, what I heard shocked and appalled me and has driven me to write to you. The programme revealed that the UK state (Police and Education […]

  • Jury Suggestions

    Following my experience as a member of a Jury I wrote to my MP with some very simple suggestions for improving the Jury trial process: David Howarth, I would like to suggest that you seek to amend the Criminal Justice Act (or the relevant legislation) to ensure: A Jury should always be sent out of […]

  • Part 3 of RIPA – A Step Towards Lawlessness

    I wrote the below letter to my MP because I oppose laws which potentially criminalise vast swathes of people, leaving open the possibility for the Police to selectively enforce the law. A society where everybody routinely breaks, or is unable to comply with the law and the state enforces the law arbitrarily is in my […]